
Navigating the Application Process at Delmarva Christian Schools

Are you considering Delmarva Christian Schools (DCS) for your child's education? Choosing the right school is a significant decision for any family, and understanding the application process can ease the journey. At DCS, we strive to provide not only academic excellence but also a nurturing environment rooted in Christian values. Let's explore the steps of our application process to help you feel confident and informed as you embark on this exciting path.
  • Gathering Information: The first step in exploring DCS is to gather information about our school. You can connect with our enrollment team to schedule a tour, participate in our Shadow Day program (available for high school students), or request printed information. These opportunities allow you to experience firsthand the vibrant community and educational atmosphere at DCS.

  • Applying to DCS
    : Once you've gathered initial information and feel drawn to DCS, the next step is to complete the application process. The application for the upcoming school year typically begins in November so if you are reading this in March that means a few months of applications have passed and many families have already interviewed. From November to December, we waive the application fee and from January to March 31 the application fee is reduced. After March 31 the new student application fee is $100. As part of the application, you'll be required to submit various documents such as behavior records, report cards, test scores, birth certificates, and transcripts. This information helps us understand your child's academic background and ensures a smooth transition into our school community.

  • Interview Process: Upon receiving all application forms and required documents, a member of our enrollment team will reach out to schedule an in-person interview at DCS. The interview is an essential step in the application process and provides an opportunity for open dialogue between the school and the family. It is conversational in nature, but we ask questions to help gauge an array of factors. Following the interview, the enrollment team will notify the family of the enrollment decision. We typically notify acceptances in March. 
As you journey through the application process, we encourage you to lean on prayer and seek God's guidance in making this important decision for your family. We believe that partnering with parents in the education of their children is a sacred privilege, and we are honored to be an extension of that partnership. The application process at Delmarva Christian Schools is designed to ensure a seamless transition for your child into our nurturing and academically enriching environment. We invite you to explore all that DCS has to offer and look forward to welcoming you into our family.

If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding the application process, please don't hesitate to reach out to our enrollment team. We are here to support you every step of the way.
Thank you for considering Delmarva Christian Schools as your partner in education. May God bless you abundantly as you embark on this journey of faith and learning.

Ready to get started? Apply Today