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Pi Day at Delmarva Christian - Elementary and Middle School Science Day

Delmarva Christian Schools celebrated Science Day on March 14th, coinciding with "Pi Day." The event, curated for elementary and middle school students, aimed to instill a deeper appreciation for science through hands-on experiences and practical applications of scientific principles.

Jessica Hague, Elementary and Middle School Director of Instruction, highlighted the significance of dedicating half a day to science activities. "Our primary goal was to enhance students' learning by providing immersive experiences that foster critical thinking and illustrate the practical relevance of scientific concepts.”

The event saw students fully immersed in a diverse range of activities designed to foster collaboration and ignite a passion for science. Elementary students experienced a rotation of activities, swapping teachers and classrooms throughout the afternoon. From crafting root beer floats to experimenting with Oobleck, students were engaged in a variety of exciting endeavors.

Meanwhile, middle school students delved into the realm of physics by applying Newton's laws of motion to construct balloon-powered cars. This hands-on activity not only reinforced classroom learning but also encouraged creativity and problem-solving skills among the students.

"We believe that fostering a love for science at an early age is crucial for nurturing future innovators and problem-solvers," expressed Hague. "Science Day provided a platform for students to explore, question, and discover, leaving a lasting impact on their academic journey."