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DCMC Reads!

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”- Dr. Seuss
Last week students across the Milton Campus celebrated National Reading Week with various literary activities. The week was crafted to fall around National Read Across America Day which was on March 2 and was created by the National Education Association (NEA) in 1998 to help get kids excited about reading. 

Throughout the week, students in the third, fourth, and fifth grade spent time each day performing a different reading activity. On Monday, they joined early elementary classes and found a "Reading Buddy" and read their favorite book to them. Tuesday, Middle School students came down to the upper elementary and read books to students. Wednesday, students dressed as their favorite book character and enjoyed hot chocolate and cookies during "Coffee Shop" reading time. Thursday was Flashlight Reading day where students read with the lights off and Friday students decorated a white t-shirt with a book quote of their choice. 

In the ELC, students spent the week surrounded by scenes from classic children's books. The Lil' Royals were encouraged to dress as their favorite book characters all week! "The teachers decorated their rooms and doors and performed all kinds of different activities to cultivate a love of reading," Jen Donihue, ELC Director. 
