Computer & Health Sciences
Computer Applications, Physical Education I, Health
Computer Applications
The Computer Applications course challenges students to properly balance their relationships with technology, as a tool to positively influence their walk with Christ. In this course, key vocabulary associated with computers and programs are taught, along with keyboarding, shortcut key commands, working knowledge of Apple products, and “cloud” based programs such as the Google Suite. Successful completion of the objectives within this course enable students to be prepared for other classroom expectations such as writing papers using the MLA format, effective creation and utilization of presentation mediums, and techniques to gain and maintain audience attention when public speaking.
The purpose of the DCHS Physical Education class is to give students opportunities to train their bodies in ways that glorify God, make use of the gifts and talents they have been given, and edify others in Christian competition. Students will pursue physical exercise with proper techniques, principles of competition, teamwork and sportive play with the end goals of creating and cultivating healthy lifestyles.
The purpose of the DCHS Health course is to cultivate a healthy lifestyle. Students will study God’s perfect design of the human body and understand the concept of total health as defined by physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness.